Full text of EU MDR (Medical Device Regulation)
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EU MDR Chapter 6 Article 72

Article 72 – Conduct of a clinical investigation

  1. The sponsor and the investigator shall ensure that the clinical investigation is conducted in accordance with the approved clinical investigation plan.
  2. In order to verify that the rights, safety and well-being of subjects are protected, that the reported data are reliable and robust, and that the conduct of the clinical investigation is in compliance with the requirements of this Regulation, the sponsor shall ensure adequate monitoring of the conduct of a clinical investigation. The extent and nature of the monitoring shall be determined by the sponsor on the basis of an assessment that takes into consideration all character­ istics of the clinical investigation including the following:
    1. the objective and methodology of the clinical investigation; and
    2. the degree of deviation of the intervention from normal clinical practice.
  3. All clinical investigation information shall be recorded, processed, handled, and stored by the sponsor or investigator, as applicable, in such a way that it can be accurately reported, interpreted and verified while the confiden­ tiality of records and the personal data of the subjects remain protected in accordance with the applicable law on personal data protection.
  4. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be implemented to protect information and personal data processed against unauthorised or unlawful access, disclosure, dissemination, alteration, or destruction or accidental loss, in particular where the processing involves transmission over a network.
  5. Member States shall inspect, at an appropriate level, investigation site(s) to check that clinical investigations are conducted in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation and with the approved investigation plan.
  6. The sponsor shall establish a procedure for emergency situations which enables the immediate identification and, where necessary, an immediate recall of the devices used in the investigation.


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